SIGP2024 1/4scale class Motard rc bikes held on

2024 SIGP Sunpadow RC car (off-road) grand prix It seems to have been held more as a motocross event than an off-road event. The last time we went was before COVID, so it’s been five years since then. Xrider has added a new category to SIGP to popularize the new motocross bike that was released this year. Source : Xrider

RC Dirt tires storage items

If you’re doing RC motocross bikes, you’ll need tires with a variety of patterns. Choose your tires based on the road surface👍 It’s tough if there’s no grip. Source : BEAT1RACING🇯🇵

Mikanews coming to Reding France!!

It seems that Mikanews will be live streaming the RC bike races at the World Championships. The crowd is excited. Live-Streaming of the RC-Bike Worlds from Give Michael Klaus and his page a like and follow him fore more news from the r/c cosmos! Big thanks to all your efforts for the rc bike community! Source:BEAT1RACING

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Dear R/C Motocross riders

Hi there Please check it up movie firstly. One of Japanese rc bike pilot took movie by drone. It’s really fantastic and impressive . Since when Losi & Xrider released new off road bikes in Japan, it’s getting increase of number pilots and expands rc bike markets. We will see what’s going on next rc bikes events over the world. Source : ラジコン動画格納庫