RC BIKE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 –Awards ceremony

The winners here at a glance: Nitrobike Simone Nascosti Ronald Drieschner Uwe Beckmann Stockbike Marco Giovannini – RG BK3 Marcus Parsberg – RG BK3 Andrew Ting – RG BK3 B-Finale: Thomas Feilner AIDI AMIN Bernhard Böhme C-Finale: TING SOON HENG Stefan Koch Günter Reitbauer Superbike Michele Repetati – RG BK3 FABBIANO CRISTIAN – RG BK3 HIROHI MUTO – RG BK3 B-Finale: Michael Gebhardt Oliver Wäckerle Mattias Elmerfors C-Finale: Guido Enzenbach Claudio Fantini Christian Gossé Big Bike 1/4 Simone Nascosti Ottina Andrea Fun Bike 1/8 Peter Kahler Bernhard Renner Hagen Theilig Finally, a note. The next World Cup will take place in France in 2024.   Source : MIKANEWS

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A monthly race hosted by F-1 Hobby in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, held on June 25, 2023. This is the Grand final  A main which kyosho hang-on racer class. Source : Real Tracks

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Pro-Line Supermoto and Hole Shot Tires for @LosiRacing PROMOTO-MX

Pro-Line has tires for the Losi® PROMOTO-MX right out of the gate! Transform your bike into an all-conquering, all-terrain Supermoto whip with Pro-Line’s Supermoto motorcycle tires! These semi-slick tires completely change the look and handling of your PROMOTO-MX, providing superior grip on asphalt and other smooth surfaces. This allows you to carve better apexes, pop better wheelies, and rocket around your track, street, driveway, or parking lot with precision and style. Or take on the track with the competition-quality tire that you know and trust, the iconic mini-pin Hole Shot tread design, that provides the optimum level of traction in dusty, hard-packed, and grooved conditions. *All tires* https://www.prolineracing.com/search?… 10222-10 Supermoto S3 (Soft) Motorcycle Front Tire Mounted on Black Supermoto Wheel for PROMOTO-MX Front https://www.prolineracing.com/product… 10223-10 Supermoto S3 (Soft) Motorcycle Rear Tire Mounted on Black Supermoto Wheel for PROMOTO-MX Rear https://www.prolineracing.com/product… 10217-02 Hole Shot M3 (Soft) Motocross Front Tire for PROMOTO-MX