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A monthly race hosted by F-1 Hobby in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, held on December 25, 2022. This is the pattern of the A main final of the hang-on racer class. This is the last race of the year, and I am grateful to F1 Hobby for staggering the time schedule to hold this race despite the bad track conditions due to the snowfall the previous day. Source : REAL TRACKS

Victory RG Inoue pilot

NAOTO CUP JAPAN 1/5 scale RC RACING BIKE class Grand final result ( 5mins) 🏅 RG Inoue pilot 🥈 RG Muto pilot 🥉 Xrider Yoshimune pilot Congratulations on Inoue pilot first win 2022, also first podium finisher who is Xrider yoshimune pilot as well. Champion Muto pilot was 2nd.Thank you very much to all the players who participated. Thank you for your continued support in 2023. Source : BEAT1RACING