VIctory RG Yanagisawa pilot

2021 Japan Keitune Carrera Cup 1\5RC Moto classRace result RG Yanagisawa pilot ZH Suzuki pilot Xrider Okamoto pilotThank you very much for participating in the race while wearing a mask and emphasizing social distance in the covid-19 We will continue to make efforts so that we can continue to race activities through daily practice with everyone. Thank you for your cooperation. Source : BEAT1RACING

Seven7&PRB Tire warmers for 1/5 RC MOTO

Spain Seven7&PRB company released the 1/5 Tire warmers set, suitable for RG, NF, X-RIDER, JUBBER. They mentioed that already sold out first lots. however they will plan to sell again. Source : Seven7&PRB

Xrider Team Edition Nonaka pilot set up date

Hi there Japanese pilot who is Xrider Team Edition Nonaka pilot share the his set up sheet for Xrider pilots. His home track is Keitune Speed Way in Japan. Nowadays he has got best lap by this set up. Source : Nonaka pilot from Japan.