Source : ZH-Racing

The Internet’s leading source of RC Bikes news, videos, and event coverage.
Source : ZH-Racing
Sorce : Mars ID ( )
Sorce : Bighead Rcmchk
JAPAN’S RC BIKE 1/5 scale size Hang on doll without side bar, more real and more need to play for sensitive, we are focus on reality. at the moment we can not mass production, however hope to overcome any solution.
We have only rc bike users day every month which located rc track next in Japan.more info : Purpose for more increase number of rc bike pilots , also we share info and enjoy time among rc bike users. we hope we will welcome to come from overseas rc bike pilots for this events. let’s play together!!
Hi there!!Nice to meet you. I am Yoshihisa Okamoto, I start new project for rc bike market. because two years ago I met RCMJ who is Japan rc bikes team , they asked me there were no rc bike of distributors and rc bike shops in Japan. actually before thunder-tiger sold to rc bikes in Japan market,however they gone and finished to sell rc bikes several years ago. why they stopped to sell rc bikes in Japan market. there are so many problem to rc bike market of current situation. Firstly, track owner was not accept rc bikes users, because rc car and rc moto bike of speeds are too different. secondly too difficult to drive the moto rc bikes, thirdly no share info about rc moto bike setting info, set up and so on.It was not easy to expand rc moto bikes current situation. still now after that I
Source: X-Rider Model Company Limited[]