Dear Overseas RC bike funs

Hi there!!Nice to meet you.

I am Yoshihisa Okamoto, I start new project for rc bike market. because two years ago I met RCMJ who is Japan rc bikes team , they asked me there were no rc bike of distributors and rc bike shops in Japan. actually before thunder-tiger sold to rc bikes in Japan market,however they gone and finished to sell rc bikes several years ago. why they stopped to sell rc bikes in Japan market. there are so many problem to rc bike market of current situation.

Firstly, track owner was not accept rc bikes users, because rc car and rc moto bike of speeds are too different. secondly too difficult to drive the moto rc bikes, thirdly no share info about rc moto bike setting info, set up and so on.It was not easy to expand rc moto bikes current situation. still now after that I visited FIJON, ZH RACING, Hong Kong RC MCHK,X-Rider company,for discussion and asked them about rc bikes market.

I understood when I met them at the time, rc bikes market will be grow up and improve. reason was very simply, they just love and passion for rc moto bikes. even there are no accept to their motivation, they don’t care, they have pioneered our own market.I hope a lot of rc moto fans to send me info and product info, race results,event info, also World championship things and so on.

About RC Bike Summit is a world leading RC BIKES News site with daily onroad & offroad RC bikes news. Launched, created and still run by Yoshihisa Okamoto,originally the site began as a expand for rc bike industry and share rc bikes info for over the worldwide rc bikes users.The RC BIKE SUMMIT would like to covers all aspects and scales of RC bike news including rc bike racing news, results, product news from around the World.I thought that if their passions around the world were united, the market would be even better.I would like to start with the fusion of the rc bike cultures around the world, and to build a community where our passion can help users who want to start a moto rc bike but who are worried.Let’s improve the moto rc market together!!

Contact us There are a number of ways if you’d like to get in touch with us…All communication in English! Please include name, email, phone number when contacting us.Send us some News – news@rcbikesummit.comGuidelines: Please insure all images are a minimum of 1000 pixels in width. If you send a race report, try and include as many details as possible (overall results, qualifying, location) in the write up, a winner or podium image as well. If you’re sending product news, include as much information about it as possible, if in the form of a press release, please ensure any images embedded within the document are attached to the email in high resolution.General Enquiries –

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