Here’s the complete bike KP10!!
The view down the chassis, shows it’s a bit narrower than the KP09.
Differences between the 09 and 10 are a few and very distinctive:
The headstock is of a new design, 5mm shorter, but also with dual ball bearings, which means it’s sturdier, keeps the forks aligned in a better way and shortens the wheelbase just a tiny bit. The steering servo is mounted in a way that the servo horn is on the outside, now, and the crashbars are mounted further back on the chassis.
The droop limiter is a better part now, sturdier and with better protection from crashes!
The shock linkage is quite different, allowing the shock to be run with softer oils and springs…
I mounted a 1mm thick lead plate on the battery tray. This plate weighs 95 grams, giving me most of the needed weight for the 2011 RC Bike worlds rule. Well, I have not decided yet if I will run the KP10 or the SB-5, so I have started adding “fat” to the SB-5, as well!
I had to dremel off a square from the left side frame plate and mounted the ESC fan on it.